Research Assistant
SoMAS Lab | Stony Brook University | Prof. Brian Colle
The research focuses on conducting ensemble sensitivity analysis on climate data—specifically precipitation, mean sea level pressure, and geopotential height across the U.S.—to analyze trends in snowstorms and cyclones.
Worked on processing climate datasets from GRIB files, generating detailed visualizations and multi-day forecasts. Automated image generation for each climate parameter across a 9-day forecast window to support extensive analysis.
Optimized the analysis using multiprocessing techniques to enable parallelization, improving the efficiency of multiple linear regression calculations by running them concurrently with NumPy, ultimately reducing processing time by 65%.
Created an interactive web tool that allows users to select specific geographic regions on a world map, automatically tailoring ESA to user-defined latitudes and longitudes.
Jun 2024 - Present
Software Engineer
As a Backend Developer on Paytm’s Core Settlement Team in the Lending vertical(first few months as intern), my major responsibility is to ensure that the settlement of repayments made by users to clear their loans is processed correctly and efficiently.
Key Tecnologies :
Spring Boot, MySQL, Kafka, Kibana, Grafana, Spring Transactions, Locks, Multithreading, JPA.
Worked on a large-scale revamp of the postpaid (credit card) system for approximately 4.5 million accounts, implementing validation and correction of transactions using microservices architecture and multithreading for parallelization, as well as Kafka for reliability and scalability.
Optimized CSV file processing (approximately 2GB), reducing processing time by 65% through efficient memory management while reading the CSV file and using multithreading.
Reduced database calls by implementing synchronized Spring EhCache to cache frequently accessed data.
Worked on designing complex SQL queries by combining multiple tables and using row_number(), rank(), CTEs, coalesce, IF, CASE, JOINs, and GROUP BY for large datasets as part of revamp project.
Worked on developing late fee waivers for both posting to users and settling them in the repayment process. Also worked on the calculation of days past due.
In addition, worked by following best software practices, such as implementing the Factory pattern, leveraging abstract classes and interfaces, handling exceptions, logging, and creating unit tests using Mockito. Also debugged issues and implemented multiple bug fixes.
January 2022 - July 2023
Software Developer Intern
As a Full Stack Developer, worked on building and maintaining a dynamic dashboard for multi-service data display, using AngularJS (Angular Material) on the frontend and Spring Boot with microservices on the backend.
Enhanced database performance through efficient SQL query construction, index optimization, and table partitioning.
Developed and optimized CI/CD pipelines with GitHub Actions and AWS CodeDeploy, enabling seamless deployments to the production environment.
August 2021 - December 2021